Thursday, November 4, 2010

The youngest sister

As you read above, and can probably assume, I’m the youngest sister of three… and absolutely love it. Talk about getting the path paved. There was little trouble that I could get into that one sister hadn’t already, and little I felt the need to accomplish – as the other sister had done all of that. It was glorious. But, don’t be misled, I had my share of accomplishments that I am proud of and never got into so much trouble that I couldn’t talk my way out of it… or only had to hide my face for a short time. But our parents (ah, the strikingly intelligent pair that they are) always knew what was going on. I think by the time I was almost out of high school they just gave me the benefit of the doubt and let it ride.

Anyway, all three of us had a sweeter than sweet childhood and I’ve truly enjoyed my life so far (which I believe has as much to do with a mindset as it does with the sheer stroke of luck of being born into a fabulous family). We grew up in Northern Virginia, I went to JMU two years after Natalie did, then graduated in 2007 and moved back up to Nova and back in with Mom and Dad. Dad and I started a sports marketing company in the fall of that year called Sports Bingo, Inc. which is still in business and growing faster every year. In 2008, Mom and Dad wanted to move (and take the business) down to Charleston, SC and I was told that if I still wanted a job, I was coming. If I didn’t want to move, “then I suggest you find a job and a new place to live”. Thank you Dad, but I’ll be honest, I love honest. So I moved. What a great decision that was. I continued to work with Dad, found a part-time job waitressing, moved in with a co-worker, met my now-boyfriend Hunt through the roommate, and then two years later, circa Oct. 2010, I moved up to New York to be closer to Hunt… and it’s New York, who doesn’t like an adventure. So, although I really miss my Charleston friends and living near my parents, my sister, my brother-in-law and especially my cutest-thing-in-the-world niece, I already think this move was an excellent decision and thus the start of East Coast Sisters.

So, that’s my life map so far. Other quick things about me – Despite what Melyssa said about birth order stereotypes, I don’t think I’m a typical youngest; I think I have a very slight case of OCD; I love our dogs Wrigley and Shea and love dogs in general; Natalie inspired me to learn how to sew; I was Wendy, the fast-food character for Halloween; My bedding is brown and green, very earthy and soothing; I would like to visit Alaska some day. That's all I have for now. Thanks for reading! Oh and I'm Olivia.

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