Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow, snow and more, well you know….

Besides strapping on our boots, digging out our cars, and hoping for the occasional snow day or late opening, (yes we still wear our PJs inside out) winter has also been filled with hitting the slopes. This year Trace and I went in on a house with some friends in Vermont, right near Mount Snow. It has been, in one word, awesome!

The house is beautiful and has a winter cabin kind of feel. My favorite times are hanging and chatting in front of the fireplace, but I am also not getting too bad at poker, which is slowly becoming a weekend tradition.

This year I decided to invest in snowboard gear, making my official transition from skis to snowboard. The last time I went boarding it was spring break of college my senior year, and Trace and I went out to Colorado. I was doing pretty good and enjoying myself despite the bruises on my knees and bum, it was day 3 and I was ready for some blues, at least I thought, I caught an edge and flipped my board up only to land on my wrist, long story short I broke it, and the emergency doctors at the local hospital seemed not too impressed or concerned, but hey its Colorado.

Anyway all those things aside I strapped on my new board for the first time December 18th and hit Mount snow. It has been wonderful learning to board, and Trace and my housemates have been great teachers. Although at times, many times, frustrating, my skills are slowly improving and I am excited for the day I may attempt to keep up with all my housemates.